Hashing Techniques

 In hash table data structures, several hashing techniques are commonly used. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. Division Hashing:

    • Uses the modulo operation to obtain a hash code. The formula is hash_code = key % table_size.
    • Simple and computationally efficient.
    • Prone to clustering if keys have a pattern that aligns with the table size.
  2. Multiplication Hashing:

    • Involves multiplying the key by a constant A in the range (0, 1), extracting the fractional part, and then multiplying it by the size of the hash table.
    • Formula: hash_code = int(table_size * ((key * A) % 1)).
    • Provides a more uniform distribution compared to division hashing.
  3. Universal Hashing:

    • Uses a family of hash functions, and a random hash function is selected for each instance of the hash table.
    • Reduces the likelihood of collisions, even for worst-case key distributions.
    • Achieves good average-case performance.
  4. Double Hashing:

    • Involves using a secondary hash function to resolve collisions.
    • The formula is hash_code = (hash1(key) + i * hash2(key)) % table_size, where i is the number of collision resolution attempts.
    • Effective in minimizing clustering and providing good distribution.
  5. Cuckoo Hashing:

    • Uses multiple hash functions and two or more hash tables.
    • Each key is assigned to one of the hash tables based on multiple hash functions.
    • If a collision occurs, the existing key is moved to the other hash table.
    • Repeats the process until there are no collisions.
    • Effective for resolving collisions with a constant worst-case lookup time.
  6. Perfect Hashing:

    • Aims to eliminate collisions entirely by designing a hash function that guarantees no collisions for a specific set of keys.
    • Involves two levels of hashing: the first level hashes keys into buckets, and within each bucket, a second-level hash function is used.
    • Ideal for situations where the set of keys is fixed.
  7. Quadratic Probing:

    • A form of open addressing that resolves collisions by incrementing the probe sequence quadratically.
    • The formula is hash_code = (hash1(key) + c1 * i + c2 * i^2) % table_size, where c1 and c2 are constants.
    • Helps avoid clustering and provides good distribution.
  8. Chaining (Separate Chaining):

    • Each bucket in the hash table contains a linked list of key-value pairs.
    • Collisions are resolved by appending key-value pairs to the linked list at the corresponding bucket.
    • Provides a simple and effective way to handle collisions.

These hashing techniques vary in their approach to handling collisions and distributing keys. The choice of a hashing technique depends on factors such as the nature of the data, expected workload, and performance requirements for specific applications.


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